Monday, April 14, 2008

Phone Call

The phone rings. Bonnie answers, "Hello?"

"Zubbazura Zur."

"I'm sorry. I didn't understand you."

"This is Dr. Hawkins."

"Dr. Hawkins?"

"Yes, I got your E-mail. I'm on the road now. And I'm just calling to see how Jordan is doing."

We're totally amazed, maybe even starstruck. How cool is that!


Becky Noftle said...

MUCH better than a phone call from Brad Pitt!!

Louise said...

I'd say Dr. Hawkins might be an answer to many prayers! We're still pulling for you! Love, Louise

Anonymous said...

I don't know what to say. Congrats. How wonderful. Wow. What else is there?

Anonymous said...

Yippee!!!!!! I am amazed too, how kind and wonderful of him !!! You do look happy with amazement!!!Love y'all, Julie

Anonymous said...

This is Annette, Becky's daughter and I have been keeping up with your news and am glad to hear of improvement. I am also excited to hear that you talked with Dr. Hawkins. Persistance works! (And that is coming from a nurse.) Plus a positive attitude, distraction and smiles are great for healing too!

Anonymous said...

That Dr. deserves an e-kiss!

Many thoughts and prayers continue for your family.

Love, Michaela

Bonnie said...

Fo sho"!! Dr. Hawkins is head and shoulders above any celebrity in our, blog. Thanks for keeping up on our doings, Becky, Liz, Louise, Julie. And wow, Annette, so glad you're aboard too. Even Michaela slipped in for a peek and a prayer. Thank you, everyone!