Tuesday, May 10, 2011

One, Two, Three

By this time of the morning three years ago, we were already without you beside us in this world. Our memories of you and our love for you have not diminished at all throughout these past three years, nor will they ever. You're part of everything we do, everything we are, or hope to become. Your like a magnet, drawing us nearer and nearer our God, and to thee, er, I mean to you. And so, sweet son, here is another song I want to dedicate to you on this day. I just noticed that the two previous songs have disappeared from the blog. I'll try to get them posted again, but I'm not super confident I'll be able to do it. Just for memory's sake, the songs are Walking in the Air by Declan Galbraith, and The Morning Trumpet by the BYU men's choir or maybe it was a chorus. With all my heart, I love you. I pray you feel it abundantly!

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