Friday, April 4, 2008

Dorothy Has a Point

That's why we're happy Jordan came home somewhere around 8 PM last night. . If it weren't for the bone pain in his left arm, he'd be feeling pretty decent right now. Come to find out, the antibiotics weren't stopped, they were only reduced, and the WBC responded by creeping back up to .3. With this persistent bone pain, we expect the WBC's have risen even more. And with platelets at 14K yesterday, we won't be surprised if he's sitting in a chair this afternoon getting another transfusion.. So it's off to the clinic to check our expectations against reality.

Written a little later: He tried to eat toast and scrambled eggs for breakfast, but it didn't stay down. The pain is increasing. I'm not sure he'll be home very long before having to be re-admitted. He tends to underestimate the pain level, and overestimate how he feels and what he can eat.

Written around 9 PM: WBC's were at .4, and platelets down to 9K. So yep, the afternoon was spent as we expected, receiving two bags of platelets. Hoping and praying for a better day tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Gracious, this is a constant roller coaster ride, glad he got to be home for a little while, where is the applesauce and ginger-ale-- and a few Ritz crackers, plus plain jello, then I get a little protein. Oh well those are my comfort tummy foods, maybe they will work for him too. We will not forget y'all in our prayers!!!
Love ya,

Becky Noftle said...

I'm so sorry things have been rough. I wonder about blending and freezing food that sounds good and he can eat it in popscicle form??