Tuesday, April 1, 2008


They went ahead with the bone marrow biopsy this morning even though the platelets were only up to 12K. Jordan's fever keeps returning despite infusions of Vancomycin, a broad-spectrum antibiotic, and Caspofungin, an antifungal, both indicated in the treatment of febrile neutropenic patients. He's in good spirits though, and looking forward to tonight's gaming session. He and Brianna have requested the use of a room with a large table for this evening's gathering.

Dr. Z. contacted Dr. Hawkins of Seattle to schedule an appointment, but alas, it could be at least two weeks before there's an opening. The scheduler and I are playing our own little game of phone tag. I also got a call from a doctor at the National Institute of Health yesterday. He asked a lot of questions, and then said he'd probably call back today, after discussing Jordan's case with his colleagues, and let us know if Jordan is eligible for one of their clinical trials. So we keep waiting, waiting for the phone to ring.


Anonymous said...

hope the game goes well. and more importantly I hope you get a great phone call from the doctor. My prayers are with you.

Louise said...

RING PHONE, RING!! Thought of you guys all day. Hope you have a relaxing evening, with good news from Seattle tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Whoever said, "No news is good news" was mistaken. Can be very frustrating waiting for people to get back with you. At least the doc was able to get the bone marrow sample and move things forward in that regard. Hope the gaming session goes well and wish I could be there to join in the fun.


Becky Noftle said...

We learned on Sunday to be more specific in our prayers. So everyone listen up---the prayer is phone call from Seattle with an opening This week--got it--good!!
Love you all.